Still a Fighter

Three times in 20 years, former football pro Jimmy Hartwig (57) got the diagnosis cancer: Shortly after the end of his career in 1990, it was prostate cancer, then in 1991 testicular cancer, and in 2007 a brain tumour. Yet, he would not let himself get down. Jimmy Hartwig is a fighter by nature, with lots of humour and a talent for writing. His new book is entitled: "Ich bin ein Kämpfer geblieben" ("I have remained a fighter").

In everything Jimmy Hartwig does he is brim-full of energy and drive, and this attitude is contageous. He wants to pass on his experiences to cancer patients and their relatives. His childhood, his career, his illness, his engagement for children and adolescents, his new life as an actor and all of that are facets of a biography to draw rich conclusions from.

In a very self-confident manner, Jimmy Hartwig nowadays calls cancer his friend: "We have made an agreement: Don't do anything to me, and I won't do anything to you. Sometimes it is stronger, but mostly I am."